potluck - the fourth of july kind
it's monday and time once again to join in on holly's potluck.

they came up with a way to fix the waiting in an unbearably long line problem. and it involved making four separate lines. and those of us who'd made it to the very, very front and had plate in hand and even had managed to get a hotdog on that plate were sent shuffling. and ended up at the tail end of one of those four separate lines. where we got to wait 2 more hours for 1 rib. 1 single rib. the end. except, when i went to get in the new and improved rib line #3 ate the hot dog.

i'm taking some liberties here... instead of what's in my fruit bowl, i'm gonna tell you about some of the fruity things we saw at our thai-influenced 4th of july celebration.
Wow, the bagpiper, giant inflatable Japanese cartoon characters, and jungle characters are EXACTLY what we had at our 4th of July celebration in NC! Well done VFW! heh.
Sounds like a pretty good fourth, albeit it different. :)
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