potluck - making up for lost time
i know, i'd just gotten on board the potluck bandwagon when i got derailed. (do bandwagon's get derailed?) but i'm back.
so, what's in my fruit bowl? nothing. but it is a brand new fruit bowl that the man brought back from the philippines. i'm still trying to decide just how i feel about it.
the man and i just celebrated our 18th anniversary. and look what he got me. it's sort of awesome. and i am hang it outside our bathroom.
this was given to the man. it was a thank you gift for the time he spent teaching in the philippines. i haven't yet figured out where we're gonna build the shrine to the man. so this hasn't found it's permanent home.
does she feel as bad as she looks? probably worse. in the past week she's been diagnosed with a displaced patella. she's been spayed. she's been groomed. she's been run over by a motorcy. both wheels. whomp. whomp. right over her torso. we're still not 100% sure of how she's doin'. we think okay. but we're observing her at home for a few more days. and if things don't turn around they'll be observing her at the animal hospital.

adjective: upset, disappointed. British slang.
and remember, this is a blog hop. anyone can join.
That toilet sign? Is. so. awesome.
That fruit bowl? Not so much. ;)
Congrats on your anniversary! :)
Yes, I agree, the fruit bowl is how do you say....a little disconcerting, like those parrots are just waiting for something to happen?
I am not so sure about the fruit bowl, but I love the bathroom sign. Love the word of the week.
Oh poor puppy! So pitiful.
You would love the bathroom signs at Lego land. They are very similar to yours only the people are lego figures - it is super cute.
Fun fruitbowl!
The fruit bowl is certainly a conversation piece. I hope the puppy is doing better
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