i need need need someone to make these

if you click on the recipe card it gets bigger

i saw this recipe today over at picky palate. and it made me sorta mad at my kids. when my parents came to visit they brought with them several jars of marshmallow cream. mmm mmm good. and since they've left, my kids have eaten many, many fluffernutter - that would be marshmallow cream and peanut butter - sandwiches. they've eaten so many of them that the marshmallow cream is completely and totally gone.

some of you might remember a few years back when i asked someone, anyone to make the pioneer woman's apple dumplings because i can't get several of the ingredients here. and some of you did make them. and said they were oh-so-good. well, i'm pretty sure these cookies will be oh-so-gooder.

so, someone please help a girl out. make them and tell me just how very good they are.

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Mom24 said...

That's so sad. :(

Selfish kids. :)

For what it's worth I just don't get Fluffernutters. Yeah, I didn't really think that would help. Sorry.

Dear Mom,
Send Marshmallow Cream.

Anonymous said...

You could make your own fluff: http://www.grouprecipes.com/70392/lanas-make-your-own-marshmallow-fluff-or-creme.html
I'm pretty sure you can get corn syrup there, yes?

Sherilyn said...

will plan to make, my kids will enjoy the challenge and cookies.

Snap said...

How sad. I haven't even heard of Marshmallow Cream :(

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