how do we get this thing home?

Mar 14

i dropped #2 and the man off at the airport right after dropping the boys off at school. i hung around until they were checked in for their flight - i wanted to be sure the flight plans took - and then they were gone.

mom, that pics for you. that's the size of plane they fly between bangkok and chiang mai.

i'm slightly jealous because i know that this will be a trip a11 will remember forever, but those are good memories to have with her daddy. they get to bangkok and head straight to the harp center centre, getting there about noon.


and now we come to another part of the trip i was responsible for - finding out the hours of operation for the harp center centre. and i did, the hours are wed - sat 10a - 7p. they got there at noon on wed. should have been fine.


that's a pic of #2 staring at the locked door. because it's closed, as in not open. which the gentleman who came around from the side communicated to them. but he did point them to the harp school. which is right around the corner. and guess what?!? it was closed. luckily, the man has a very keen eye and while peeking in the windows he noticed someone in the school and managed to get their attention. they were able to help. and #2 tried out the harp and was pleased.

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and every one agreed she is the best harpist evah. but we knew that already. so they paid for the harp and made arrangements to meet back at the harp store at 5p. allowing the very nice people at the harp center centre to wrap the harp up and get it flight ready, since the plan was to take it as over-sized luggage on the flight home. bh has an appointment to make so they head that way. the appointment goes well and they still have some free time. so it's off to starbucks.


and then to toys r us - you know since they were there and all.


and while at toys r us they happened to come across ken's new friend


why-buy-the-cow-when-you-can-get-the-milk-for-free barbie.

thankfully, they did not bring her home. i mean we do have a teen boy in the house.

then they returned to the harp center centre. where the harp and their ride were ready and waiting for them. there was just one itty bitty problem. the harp people weren't convinced that the airlines would allow the harp to be carried on as over-sized luggage. so they called the airlines. much speaking of thai happened and eventually they were sent on their way - with the harp.

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hmmm... perhaps the size of that box was the cause of the concern about taking it as over-sized luggage. these two nice gentleman load the harp, #2 and the man and head to suvarnabhumi airport. once their they discover that it's a no go, it's too close to the flight time. so much rearranging is done and another flight is scheduled, but it's at don mueang airport - which is not so conveniently located on the other side of town. so, it's back in the van for a not so very quick jaunt across town. they are arrive with plenty of time. get the harp unloaded and now it's time for security. where a valiant effort is made to put the box containing the harp through the baggage x-ray machine.


but surprise, surprise it doesn't fit. the only option is to open the box and look for bombs. but what they find in the box is, well, they aren't really sure. so they call for back up. and end up with 11 security people - and #2 - all standing around the open box peering in at a well packed harp. and it must have passed muster because they send it off into the special holding area for things they-aren't-really-quite-sure-exactly-what-they-are-but-have-been- deemed-safe-for-flight.


and now we come to my last responsibility picking up the man, #2 and the harp from the airport. #3, #1 and i get to the airport right on time and manage to get the best parking spot at the airport. we go in to wait. the flight is delayed. now, no one has communicated anything to me, so we're there to pick them up at their original flight time. and just about the time the plane should be landing the phone rings - it's #2. she says they're at a restaurant. at the airport. in bangkok. i'm pretty sure she's joshing so i ask to speak to her father. and he confirms that they are, in fact, at a restaurant. at the airport. in bangkok. we talk, figure out the harp won't fit in our car anyway - someone might have suggested that days ago - and decide a taxi cab minivan is the way for them to go. i stop and make arrangements for the cab at the cab stand and head home with the boys. at 11p i get a phone call from the man - no taxi, no hope of a taxi. but one of the guys who works at the airport happens to drive a song theauw and is more than happy to give them a ride home. for a price, of course. so into the song theauw they go and by now it's late. and they're tired.


once they are home it is imperative that the harp is unpacked, to check for damage.

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and just how big was that box?



#2's harp teacher came by this evening to tune the harp for us and set up a time for lessons. have i mentioned that her teacher plays for the queen? how cool is that?

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