april break

Apr 18

april break is coming to an end. and we did a bunch of nothing. or at least i did. the oldest two, #1 and #2 (that's their unofficial names for the time being) went on a mission trip. they spent a week in two villages in northern thailand. they played with kids, assisted with vbs and returned with packs full of stinky clothes. #1 also got sick. he spent a day and a half puking his guts out. probably better he was there than here. because a) i'm not one for the puking. and b) there he had aircon and tv, neither of which he would have had access to here.

april break is 2 weeks here. two very hot weeks. for the first week and a half, the mr. (that's his unofficial name and one i'm pretty sure i'm not too fond of) was home. that meant for the first full week it was the five of us home. it's been a while since we've all been here, together, with not much scheduled. we played games. helped the mr. with some projects. finished getting a music room together for #3 and slept in. the second week started with the #1 and #2 headed out for their trip. leaving 3 of us here to play songkran. what could be better than the biggest water fight in the whole wide world? especially when they are very fond of using ice water. and throwing it on you by the bucket full. wednesday, the mr. left. that left #3 and me. alone. #3 was certain that the few days between the mr. leaving and the return of #1 and #2 would be the most boring time in his entire life. i proved him wrong. we made a day trip to the flight of the gibbons - where we had our fill of ziplining and waterfall hiking. and we were not bored at all.

#1 and #2 have returned. monday it's back to school. and then the countdown to the end of the school year begins.

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