i bet she'll regret that

Apr 18

our แม่บ้าน (that would be our maid - rough life i have) took the past week off. she and her family went to กรุงเทพฯ (krungthep, i mean bangkok- i know, now i'm just being obnoxious) and to the beach. this is the first trip any of them have made to bangkok or the beach. in their entire lives. and i think that when she gets back here on monday, she's gonna wish she'd never left. cuz this place? it's a disaster. or maybe she'll wish she'd never come back.

i did do some dishes. and i did do some laundry. but the sweeping and the mopping and the toilet scrubbing and such - didn't even attempt them.

so bright and early monday morning i'll be walking the kids to school and then i'll spend the rest of the day hiding out. too ashamed to show my face.

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Megan said...

Maybe go get a pedicure or something on Monday! ;))

Anonymous said...

I second Megan - do the pedicure. Then get a massage. Then get a lush coffee. Hopefully she'll be done by then. hehehehe

Mom24 said...

If I had a maid, I would never do anything when she was gone--you'd insult her if she came back and everything was perfect. ;)

monica said...

the pedicure & massage are brilliant ideas. seeing as how i've obviously earned them!!

@mom24 - oh, then she was far from insulted this morning!! :)

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