the happiness project #2

Apr 27

the rules:

  • simply post a photo of something that makes you wildly happy.


great tropical fruit. it's the hot season. and it's so hot that happy doesn't come easy. but the hot season means great fruit. and that makes me very happy.


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Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I've never heard of mangosteen. It is pretty though. I love mango.

Unknown said...

I think its okay to have two pictures...they are both about fruit...and something that make you happy...great pics..I love the mangosteen one!

Anonymous said...


Caution/Lisa said...

How can there be so much food in the world and I've never heard of most of it??

Unknown said...

I never knew what they looked like! Great photo!

Katherine said...

I've heard of mangosteen once, on a cooking show. I've never seen it in person or eaten it. It looks amazing.

Actuary Mom said...

I've never heard of it. I'll have to see if my grocery store carries it.

leigh hewett said... exotic. I've been enlightened by your happiness. Thank you!

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