mission trip 2010

Apr 19

#1 and #2 (unofficial names until i figure out what i wanna do about names) went on a mission trip to two akha villages in northern thailand over april break. this was a first for #2. #1 had been on a trip to one of the villages two years ago. they went with mixed feelings. they were excited, but also bummed that they'd be missing out on the songkran festivities here in chiang mai. turns out they both had a very good time. except for the day and a half that #1 spent puking. at least it happened in the second village. there they stayed in a hotel and not a hut. and had real toilets and not squatty potties. and also better that it happened there than here. because a) i'm not so much for the puking and b) there he had aircon and tv. neither of which he would have had here.

from what they've told me and what i've gleaned from the pics it apears their job for the week was volunteer jungle gyms. and it looks like they did it well.

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Mom24 said...

Very cool. I bet you're pretty proud of them.

monica said...

i am proud of them! they are great kids. i'm also a bit envious of them - i want to experience all that they are experiencing!!

Sherilyn said...

very proud of them. i hope i become as blessed as you are with my own. you guys are wonderful models for the thai children and all the lives you touch.

Megan said...

You definitely should be proud of them! And I am jealous of them too!! I would love to be doing those things!!

Teddy Started It said...

Those pictures are great - some of them are downright National Geographic gorgeous!

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